These amazing people help make this event a success!
Team Members
Here's kajsdjfoih iazfhaiop fi dzif dafuj oihoizdf oayhf
- Founder / Host / Convener
- Publicity Lead
- Member, Publicity
- Member, Welfare Committee
- Member, Media Committee
- Member, Media Committee
- Member, Welfare Committee
- Member, Media Committee
Become A Volunteer
Thank you for your interest in volunteering ahead of the Life After School Career Development Summit (#LASCDS).
By volunteering for this event, you will have the opportunity to connect with thousands of growth-driven students, private equity professionals, and impact investors. Your involvement will be highlighted on the DIUSCADI website, in our email marketing campaigns, and at the conference itself. Kindly fill the short form below and we will reach out to you.
Please note: This form is for volunteers ONLY. Fill the following based on your interests…